Privacy Policy

At BIMA, we respect your privacy and are committed to ensuring that your personal information is secure. As a Web3 company, we do not collect, store, or manage personal data in the traditional sense. Our platform leverages decentralized blockchain technology, which provides enhanced privacy and security.

1. Data We Collect

  • On-Chain Data Only: BIMA interacts with blockchain networks, and any data related to transactions, such as wallet addresses, transaction amounts, and timestamps, is recorded on the public blockchain. This data is not under our control and cannot be modified or deleted by us.

  • No Personal Identification: We do not collect or store personally identifiable information (PII) such as names, email addresses, or contact details.

2. How We Use On-Chain Data

  • Transaction Verification: The only data used by BIMA is blockchain-based transaction data for verifying the use of the USBD stablecoin within our ecosystem.

  • Compliance with Blockchain Protocols: All interactions with BIMA’s USBD stablecoin occur via decentralized blockchain networks, adhering to the rules and transparency provided by the underlying protocols.

3. Decentralization and Privacy

  • Self-Custody: As users, you are responsible for managing your own wallets, private keys, and any information associated with your decentralized identity.

  • Transparency: Blockchain networks are inherently transparent, but pseudonymous. Transaction data is public, but the identity behind wallet addresses is not directly tied to personal information.

4. Third-Party Services

  • Non-Custodial: BIMA does not hold or manage user funds. All transactions occur directly on-chain, between users and the decentralized blockchain network.

  • Smart Contracts: Our smart contracts operate autonomously on the blockchain, and no third-party service or entity has access to your data.

5. User Rights

  • Ownership of Data: Since no personal data is collected, there are no traditional data rights such as access, rectification, or deletion within the platform. However, users maintain full control over their wallets and private keys.

  • Anonymity: Users are free to interact with BIMA’s USBD stablecoin ecosystem without sharing personal information, maintaining their anonymity within the network.

6. Cookies and Tracking

  • No Tracking: We do not use cookies, tracking pixels, or other user tracking mechanisms on our platform, in line with our commitment to decentralized and privacy-first principles.

7. Changes to this Policy

  • As Web3 technology evolves, we may update this Privacy Policy to reflect new protocols or regulatory changes. We will communicate any significant updates through decentralized channels and public notices.

Last updated